4 Social Media Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from social media advertising. It’s a great way to reach new customers and grow your brand. A recent study found that over 70% of Americans use social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. That’s a huge number, and it means that if you’re not using social media to market your business, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers. However, there are a few mistakes that you should avoid if you want to get the most out of your social media marketing campaigns.

Posting the Same Content Across All Platforms

Although it seems all social media platforms are copying each other now-a-days, it is important to remember that each have specifics that can really make a difference on how the post performs. For example, Instagram uses hashtags to promote posts, but it doesn’t work the same on Facebook. Think about the specific audience that sees your post on each platform and tailor it to them.

For example, users on Instagram are usually scrolling faster than on Facebook, so keep the caption short and sweet but make sure to use all the appropriate hashtags. For the same post on Facebook, you can give a little more detail in the caption since users are usually scrolling slower and are more likely to stop and read the post. Small business marketing services are a great way to sustainably start, build, and gain traction in your social media presence.

Posting Too Many Times a Day – Quality over Quantity

The human brain cannot critically process everything that is put in front of it, it’s just not possible for how quickly the world is moving. So, subconsciously we glance over the things that are redundant or do not jump out as important. This is definitely something to keep in mind when deciding how much to post on social media.

Your business may produce a lot of post-able material, but showing your followers everything through multiple posts a day likely means your user engagement will decrease. It’s normally thought that the more posts you shovel out the more market presence you’ll have. However, try only one of the day’s best posts or a carousel of the day’s individual posts and see how your followers react. It is likely you’ll see a higher engagement rate and a better quality score from the social platform you’re posting on.

Not Engaging with Customers After Creating a Post

When it comes to small business marketing services, this is one of the most valuable things you can invest in. As many up-and-coming bands and artists have recently discovered, engaging with the users on your posts is a great way to increase overall traffic and business should be doing the same. Replying to comments on your post is one of the easiest ways to signal to customers that you care about their experience. Users are more likely to purchase from a company they know they can get in contact with and answers questions.

Pro Tip

Additionally, replying to comments and questions on your post is another great way to improve your quality score and make your content easier to find.

Not Promoting User-Generating Content

Another way to increase engagement is to use user-generated content. Although you have plenty to post, it’s good to remember that the goal here is to make your posts the most popular and to gain as much engagement as possible. A great way of do that is to use content that is created by your users. Take a break from posting your own content every once in a while, and show your followers not only that you care, but that you appreciate their love for your company. Seeing their own content in your feed is a great way to retain current customers and encourage users to follow your page since their content could be used next.

Small Business Marketing Services

All in all, it is extremely important that businesses avoid these social media advertising mistakes if they want to succeed. By posting the right content, engaging with customers, and using user-generated content, your business will be on the path to social media success.

If you are a business in Denver and are looking for help with your social media or really any small business marketing services, look no further! Our team at Red Egg Marketing is experienced in all things small business marketing and is more than happy to help you grow your online presence. Give us a call today or fill out a form on our website for a consultation!