5 Email Campaigns & How an Email Marketing Company Can Impact Your Business

Email marketing is a staple element in any successful business’ marketing strategy, but, as with most things, there’s a right way to do it and there’s a wrong way to do it. Every business is different, and each benefits most from an email marketing strategy custom tailored to its brand and goals. However, a quality email marketing strategy typically has several ongoing email campaigns in the mix, which poses one question: which email marketing campaigns should your business use, and why? As a top email company in Denver, we know a thing or two about crafting compelling email campaigns that work.

Here are five kinds of the most popular email marketing campaigns we create for our clients (as well as how they can help your business!):

Promotional Email Campaigns

Ask any one of Denver’s email marketing companies and they’ll tell you–promotional email campaigns are the backbone of any successful email marketing strategy. Promotional email campaigns are specifically designed to highlight your products, services, or special offers to your subscribers, and can take various forms–from flash sales and discounts to product launches and seasonal promotions.

According to a recent article, “59% of [people] say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions and 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention.”

How They Can Help Your Business:

Any email marketing company will tell you that promotional email campaigns are critical for driving immediate sales and revenue for your business.

Welcome Email Campaigns

Welcome email campaigns are a great opportunity to leave a positive first impression on new subscribers. When someone signs up for your mailing list, a well-crafted welcome email sets the tone for a beneficial, long-lasting relationship with your brand. You can use this initial email to thank your new subscriber, introduce your brand’s story and values, offer a special welcome discount, or all the above!

Did you know?

Welcome emails have an outstanding open rate of 68.8% and an impressive click-through rate of 26.9%, according to MailModo.

How They Can Help Your Business:

Welcome email campaigns are an easy (yet instrumental!) way to establish trust and rapport with your audience right from the start. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships.

Reengagement Email marketing Campaigns

Over time, it’s not uncommon for some of your subscribers to become less engaged or inactive. All Denver marketing agencies have dealt with this time and time again, mostly because it’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Life can get busy and even the emails can go unopened sometimes! However, the solution to this pesky issue is simple: try sending out a reengagement email campaign.

Reengagement email campaigns are aimed at reigniting their interest in your brand. These emails can be a friendly nudge, reminding them of the value your products or services offer, or they might include enticing incentives to help reignite their enthusiasm for your brand.

How They Benefit Your Business

When executed properly, these campaigns have the potential to transform dormant subscribers into active and valuable customers once more. The result? An increase in revenue and a more responsive email list!

Event and Survey Email Marketing Company Campaigns

Event and survey email campaigns revolve around gathering feedback, opinions, and data from your subscribers. Whether you’re an email marketing company or a full-service marketing agency, we’re willing to bet you use these kinds of emails to invite subscribers to participate in surveys, webinars, workshops, or other events. These campaigns not only engage your audience but also provide you with valuable insights into their preferences and needs.

How They Can Help Your Business

Event and survey email campaigns are your ticket to not only personalizing your email strategy for the future but also revamping your marketing game plan across the board to be more effective with your audience.

Newsletter Email Campaigns

Newsletters are some of the most versatile email campaigns out there; they are a great way to relay business updates, industry news, and other relevant content to your subscribers. At Red Egg, we have a monthly newsletter that we send out our clients and other interested parties every month to keep them in the loop of what’s going on at the roost–from recent blog posts to new events and project updates.

How They Can Help Your Business

Newsletter email campaigns help you stay top-of-mind with your audience–as an email marketing company, we know this with absolute certainty. Not only that, but they help cultivate a sense of community and keep subscribers informed, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer retention.

We Can Help Make Your Email Campaigns Shine

With the right email campaigns at work, you’ll be able to nurture customer relationships, boost sales, and enhance your brand’s reputation all in one fell swoop. If you’re currently exploring different Denver marketing agencies for your next email marketing strategy revamp, take a breath of relief–the search is finally over. Our team at Red Egg is a full-service marketing and email marketing company, with over 10 years of experience in helping our clients create kick-ass email campaigns that meet (and surpass!) their goals. Reach out to us on our contact page and we can get the ball rolling together!