3 Trends Denver Marketing Companies are Keeping an Eye on in 2021
We did it. We made it through 2020 with all its surprises and setbacks. As companies gear up for a new year and start implementing policies and strategies to propel them toward success, marketing teams should be doing the same. Denver marketing companies are always keeping an eye on the trends that will make the biggest impact for their clients and there are a few, in particular, we want to fold into our 2021 digital marketing plans.
If you’re looking into hiring a Denver marketing agency or just trying to test the waters with some new and innovative strategies, read on.
Accessible and Consistent Content
Internet users experience the world in their own way and, as a content source, your company needs to ensure that everyone can access what you’re putting out there. These consumption differences aren’t just mobile users versus desktop users, though. Screen size is just a small piece of the puzzle.
Some people scroll through a page and focus on text, others use photos to further a story. Additionally, smart phones have made great strides in including assistive technology to help visually impaired users conveniently take in digital content.
By improving the accessibility of your content, you are mitigating basic barriers to comprehension for your users. Many of these improvements may already be in your toolbox, for example, adding alternative text on images or adding captions or transcript text for video content.
We’re seeing more online engagements than ever before in recent months, and that’s likely due to the amount of time people are spending looking at their screens during the pandemic. More users mean more content, which just makes it that much more imperative to create relevant and valuable content online. Competing with other business and brands and rising above the noise is imperative if you don’t want to be left behind. Focusing on features like voice search and making your content easily accessible is key for brands to reach their audiences.
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Branding Will be Imperative
Consumer companies should keep in mind that sustainability is now more important than ever, and business leaders should prioritize brand messaging efforts to target an eco-conscious demographic. Promoting socially and environmentally friendly projects in your digital marketing and brand values is an aspect of business that your audience cares about.
While you may think that these components aren’t top of mind for your consumers, think again. When over 1,500 Americans were asked if they do research about a brand before handing over their credit card, 7 in 10 said they do. Your shoppers are checking up on your brand via your website, social media, and product listings most often. Given that over 67 percent of your potential customers are basing their purchase off of the information and content you present online, it’s imperative that small businesses are promoting with intention.
Shopping local, supporting brands that give back, and selecting those who place an emphasis on being responsible environmentally and otherwise is a trend we expect to stick for the foreseeable future. This is something Denver marketing companies excel at given the local demographic. If you aren’t already, make sure your branding efforts are geared toward this growing emphasis on sustainability.
Build Your Consumer Community
Many of us are still working remotely, and although there is a possible end in sight, we expect most of the world to remain distanced in the near future. This means more zoom calls, virtual conferences, and ecommerce business.
The last year has been a hard adjustment for businesses and consumers alike. While companies may be having a hard time making ends meet, the solution lies in building a community, not selling. While this may feel counter-intuitive, this is a shift that will pay dividends in the future.
People often forget that there are people behind the face of a business. Founders, CEOs, employees who go home to their families at the end of every day. By humanizing a brand, businesses can create a network of loyal customers who put a priority on continuing their support. You can do this through several platforms, including posting employee-generated on-site content, reaching out to your subscribers via email campaigns, and of course, on social media.
Supporting relatable businesses will be more important than ever to consumers in 2021.
Up and Onward in 2021
The overall digital marketing trend here is transparency and authenticity. While these have always been major considerations when promoting a brand, they will prove doubly important in 2021. More than anything, remember that your consumers want to feel connected to the businesses they’re supporting. They want their money going toward businesses that share their values.
Learn from the mistakes other brands made this year and come to your own conclusions on how best to implement lasting changes for your business. Advice from a Denver marketing agency should help get you to get started on an effective and well-informed digital strategy.